*bonus* Five Favorite Fall Hikes
In no particular order, but all definitely in my top five faves for fall hiking, I present to you this bonus post round up . . . thing. Fall is easily my favorite time to hike, but it can be tricky with school and sports and decreasing daylight hours to find time to get out on a trail. Any of the trails I’ve covered this summer would be fantastic for hiking in the fall, but I’ve compiled this list of quick, easy, colorful hikes that can be squeezed into the busy fall hours to maybe give you a nudge to get out and enjoy this marvelous season. Leaves start changing in the valley in late August and typically peak in early October, so mark your calendars and pick a trail. And fall in love with fall in the Ogden Valley!

Which hike do you love most during leaf peeping season? Let me know! And happy fall trails!